Another Boring COVID Day

Received $0.30 royalty today from, right on schedule. Ah, the writing life.

Other than that excitement, it’s been a slow day. Typical. But hey! Wasn’t it Friday just yesterday? It’s hard to keep track these days. Yesterday, tomorrow, a week ago. It’s all the same. Why even bother to keep track? What a waste of money that 2020 date book was.

The two acrylic pours on canvas panels haven’t dried yet, certainly not where the paint migrated to the nadir of the curve. I couldn’t handle them at all. They look terrible anyway, but I can experiment with flattening them out under a pile of encyclopedias.

Otherwise, I’ve about run out of juice. I’m generally in a subdued mood (mildly depressed?) these days, worried about the election and the gun play that’s bound to follow no matter who wins, and the A-hole-in-Chief being a bad sport about the outcome because he wants to be a fascist dictator and leave us all ignorant and hungry. That’s just an opinion, folks. No need to take me seriously. (And I swore I wasn’t going to write anything political in this blog. Oh, well… best of intentions…etc.)

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