Control of My Creative Life

I’ve been learning about painting, watercolor in particular, since early 2019. Did some pen& ink drawing in college, but haven’t done much since except for designs of different inventions and such. I’m doing lots of drawing these days, and painting as well. I’ve learned a great deal since starting down this creative path. I find it suits me.

The past couple of days I’ve been getting an old feeling. It’s the feeling that I’m embarking on a new adventure and that I’m captain of my own ship again. What with COVID added to my already difficult life and financial situation, I’ve been semi-depressed for months now, but this old feeling is perking me up.

I’m feeling better now that I can see the way in front of me. I’m having many creative ideas and making plans for sales. I had this feeling of control at other times too, as a photographer and as a writer. Well, here it comes again. It’s off to the races!